💭 Still Curious?
💭 Still Curious?
💭 Still Curious?
Frequently Answered Questions
What is the ‘Host - Experience More, For Less’?
What is the ‘Host - Experience More, For Less’?
What is the ‘Host - Experience More, For Less’?
What merchants participate in Host?
What merchants participate in Host?
What merchants participate in Host?
Do I make a reservation when I redeem a deal?
Do I make a reservation when I redeem a deal?
Do I make a reservation when I redeem a deal?
Is Host available on both iOS and Android?
Is Host available on both iOS and Android?
Is Host available on both iOS and Android?
For Users
How do I use Host to save money?
How do I use Host to save money?
How do I use Host to save money?
How do I redeem a deal?
How do I redeem a deal?
How do I redeem a deal?
How often can I redeem a deal?
How often can I redeem a deal?
How often can I redeem a deal?
How long are deals valid for?
How long are deals valid for?
How long are deals valid for?
Is there an option for delivery for restaurants?
Is there an option for delivery for restaurants?
Is there an option for delivery for restaurants?
Can I cancel my redemption?
Can I cancel my redemption?
Can I cancel my redemption?
For Merchants
How can I sign up my business on Host?
How can I sign up my business on Host?
How can I sign up my business on Host?
How can I update my deal or business information?
How can I update my deal or business information?
How can I update my deal or business information?
How do I access my merchant portal?
How do I access my merchant portal?
How do I access my merchant portal?
How does the payment process work?
How does the payment process work?
How does the payment process work?
What are the benefits of partnering with Host?
What are the benefits of partnering with Host?
What are the benefits of partnering with Host?

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© 2025 Host Promotions Inc.

© 2025 Host Promotions Inc.