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  • Singlehandedly got me through exam season when I had no time to cook + my wallet was happy 😁

    Anna R

    Anna R.

    April 2024

  • The go to app anytime my girlfriend and I looking for a fun night out!

    Vaibhav G.

    April 2024

  • Perfect app when going out with the gals 🥂

    Alicia P.

    June 2024

  • I haven't been going out much these past few years since it's gotten kinda expensive but Host was a great way to try new things affordably :))

    Ella G.

    June 2024

  • Love me some deals 👅

    Kobe I.

    June 2024

  • Didn't realize there was this many things to do.

    Makus W.

    June 2024